Andrés Pérez López

Andrés Pérez López


I danced in a lot of dance and ballet productions, like The Nutcracker. I danced as corps the ballet, but later also as a solist! I have been dancing in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona and on tour) and in Portugal (Lisbon and on tour). After many, many years of ballet and modern ballet productions, I also did the Musical Cats. I did this production in Spain, Germany and Holland. After that I stayed in Holland to do dance in the Musical Tarzan.

During my career as performer I teached several dance classes at ballet schools and ballet company’s. I also choreographed several ballet pieces and modern ballet pieces for the company’s I also danced in. Now I teach at DIFF Dance Centre, ballet, points, modern and 'draagdoekballet'. Besides DIFF I also make dance pieces for dance projects and dance company’s.

My passion is teaching, because I like to see how my students progress and grow as dancers, as I did when I was in school. When I started to dance I had not so many conditions and I had to work harder to become a profesional dancer. For this I respect people that come to my classes to really learn something, not only about the technique, also about how to behave. Because in the end we are all human beings. My other passion is make in Choreographies in different styles, it’s so nice that in the end of the season we have the oportunity of performing in Theater de Spiegel. I like it that the students can show to everyone all the progress they made.


Classical ballet and modern ballet


Victor Ullate Ballet School, Madrid, Spain (Ballet)
Menéndez Pelayo University, Santander, Spain (Ballet)
Royal Conservatory of Den Haag, NL (all round ballet)
Professional Conservatory of Dance, Madrid, Spain (all round ballet)
Scholarship: London Studio Centre (all round ballet).

Geeft deze les(sen) bij DIFF

Classical ballet (including 'Niveauklassen')


Determination and consistency